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Easysign crashs while Vectorizing

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  • #14553
    Richard Elliott

    I’ve been trying to Vectorize some text and Easysign just shuts down about 72 percent in. Any ideas?


    Thanks Richard


    Hi Richard,

    Thank you for your message. I am sorry to read that you are experiencing trouble with the vectorization. I will be happy to help you.

    Can you please send us a bit more information?
    – Which version of EasySIGN are you using?
    – Which vectorisation method do you use and what are your settings?
    – Can you send us a copy of your EasySIGN worksheet?

    Have an easy day!
    Wilbert at EasySIGN

    Richard Elliott

    Hi Wilbert, I’m on the latest version of easysign. I was trying to vectorise text, quite a lot I’ll admit so maybe I went past its limitations. I used both high & low Res B&W text settings in Vectorization and both just shut the programme down. I’ve since managed it in Vectorization 2, not perfect but better. I was just trying to clean the background up by taking just the text out and it’s not that important I was very surprised when the programme just shut down.

    How do I send the file, there doesn’t seem to be a normal support email anymore.


    Hi Richard,

    Thank you for the explanations.

    Please send the EasySIGN document to:

    Have an easy day!
    Wilbert at EasySIGN


    Hi Richard,

    Thank you for sending the EasySIGN document.

    We can do a successfull vectorization usign the vectorization-2 feature. However the result is not suited for cutting as the original bitmap is not clear enough to create sharp vectorlines. The bitmap contains plenty of small sized textlines (hight of about 2 mm).

    In case possible we recommend to use the orinal text document and copy the text into the EasySIGN text editor using the original font. You will be able to scale the text to required output size.

    Have an easy day!
    Wilbert at EasySIGN


    Richard Elliott

    I got the same Wilbert, but why would the software shut down with standard Vectorization, shouldn’t an error message come up if i did something wrong, did yours crash as well or was it just mine?


    Hi Richard,

    I don’t get a crash, I just get warning regarding insufficient memory when I try to use this vectorization tool. Therefore we developed the vectorization 2 feature as it creates fewer nodes and gives better results especially when working with lower resolution bitmaps.

    Have an easy day!
    Wilbert at EasySIGN

    Richard Elliott

    ok Wilbert, thanks for your help.




    Hi Richard,

    Just let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you 🙂

    Have an easy day!
    Dennis at EasySIGN

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